Yunni Tsai


Yunni Tsai is a development manager with Holsten Management Corporation. She came from a suburb with scarce resources facing housing, education, and daycare issues, but was fortunate enough to surround herself in a small community with sufficient caring/love from each other.

That being said, Yunni has always wanted to build her community and carry along all the kindness she received along the road. She is thrilled and also grateful to become part of the WP+D board this year. Please don't hesitate to reach out and discuss how we can build the community together!!!

Fun Facts

  • Absolutely a hot-pot lover! More than willing to eat a hot-pot at an outdoor area in Chicago's summer.
  • Originated from Taiwan! No one can argue with me that we are the first country to produce bubble milk tea. (being serious and jk at the same time).
  • Babysat almost five cats in the past, and has a lazy (cutest) cat called Simbai.
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